Hed: 5 Ways to Improve Your Website Without Completely Overhauling It

Hed: 5 Ways to Improve Your Website Without Completely Overhauling It

In order to stay abreast of the competition, small businesses need to have a robust Web presence to keep consumers engaged. And every now and again websites require a bit of updating to maintain their appeal. A total redesign isn’t always necessary, so here are a few features that can easily boost your Web presence.

Refresh Your Logo
It’s not uncommon for a business to redesign its logo from time to time. A logo gives customers a feel for your brand and is one of the easiest ways to make a site more visually appealing without a total redesign.

Improve the Color Scheme
Believe it or not, there’s power behind color. Spend time reviewing whether your website’s current color scheme represents your brand well. Make sure the colors chosen are user-friendly and don’t prevent people from reading content on your site easily. There should be enough contrast between the site’s background color and the text used for content.

Review navigation
One of the most frustrating Web experiences is having to click too many pages to access information you need. Consolidate your navigation to organize your pages in a simple fashion that makes it intuitive for a user to find their way to what they want.

White space is everything
Avoid the urge to load your site — especially the homepage — with an abundance of images and lengthy copy. This quickly becomes overwhelming for a user and doesn’t make for a pleasant experience. Leave enough breathing room throughout each page. Consider breaking up text with headers, high-quality images that are positioned carefully, or even lists to make content easy to digest.

Rethink content
Any writer can experience burn out from constantly churning out ideas under tight deadlines. Encourage your writing team to take a step back, examine the big picture, and explore fresh ways to engage your audience. Hold a brainstorming session to help develop new content ideas and learn what is — and isn’t — working on your website. Review stats to determine the articles and blog posts that resonated most with your audience.

Updating a website doesn’t have to be a frustrating, expensive process. With a thoughtful strategy, you can quickly achieve a more attractive site that users enjoy visiting.

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