It’s Time To Start Using a Password Management App

It’s Time To Start Using a Password Management App

If it isn’t already, it should be common knowledge that it’s best to use a strong, unique password for every possible login you have, whether for your business or personal life. But how are you supposed to remember them all? A Post-It note isn’t a secure or viable technology for tracking your passwords.

Fortunately, the days are over when you have to remember passwords, or worse, write them down in an unsecure location. There are now a number of software solutions designed to keep your passwords strong and secure.

Your company’s security is only as strong as its weakest link. In many cases, that’s going to be the employee who makes every password the same—some variant of “Password1234.” Even casual hackers can crack passwords like this virtually straight away. It doesn’t matter how secure you think your network is when one person is using passwords that aren’t secure.

Enter modern-day password management technology. These innovative services help you create strong, unique passwords for every login you need. While a 40-character string of completely random characters might strike you as impossible to remember, it will keep your system extremely safe. And with modern password management technology, you don’t need to remember it. You can store as many of these strong passwords as you need, while only having to remember one unique password.

This makes password security a breeze in an era where it’s more important than ever. These apps can even auto-fill fields for you, making logging in as simple as clicking a button.

So what should you look for in a password management service for your business? You want one that allows you to sync across devices. Few things are quite as infuriating as not being able to remember your password when you switch to your mobile device.

Automated password changing is a great help, making it easier than ever for your team to change their passwords at regularly scheduled intervals.

Two-factor authentication allows you to make your employees confirm that they’ve logged in using a second device, such as a mobile phone. Some will even manage your passwords for applications as well as websites, a must for companies using VOIP or other applications on a daily basis.

There’s no longer any excuse for your business’s security to be compromised because of weak passwords. Password management apps ensure hackers trying to break into your company’s files will quickly realize there’s lower hanging fruit for them to direct their attention to.

Nicholas Pell is a freelance small business and personal finance writer based in Southern California. His work has appeared on MainStreet, Business Insider, WiseBread and Fox Business, amongst others.

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